As of 1:25PM PDT on 6/6/24, the Big Tent Ketamine Google Group is still down.
I’ve requested a review, but there’s no way for me to supply additional information to indicate that we’re a community of licensed professionals whose discussion of ketamine is legal and legitimate. It’s a big black hole inside a faceless megacorporation.
In the mean time, I’ve engaged the web development company Rocket House to develop an alternate solution that meets the further growth needs of our community. Our immediate priority is in getting the discussion group up and running. I expect it may take 3-4 weeks to complete this project. Please be patient with this process.
I will continue to post here and to send out additional email blasts with updates.
Yours in community,
Clare McBee says
I’m so sorry to hear that this has happened yet again. I wish there was a way for Big T members to submit our own comments/appeals to Google to support that this is a legitimate, ethical group of professionals. Thank you so much to the admins and organizers of the Big Tent community who have been dedicating their time and efforts to tackling this, and for creating an alternative platform for us!!
Becky Butler, LCSW says
Thank you for trying to get us back online!
Any chance someone (who sees this today) knows whether there’s a zoom meeting re: IFS/KAP today June 10 at 6p? If so, anyone have a zoom link?